Tuesday, October 11, 2011



I wanted to let everyone know the outcome from our 2011-2012 Monarch Group and Team Captain Election. I just want to start by saying that being a Captain is a great honor and should be treated respectfully from the entire team. Being the leader of a group or team is a huge responsibility, leading by example is the best way to influence. Leadership is doing what is right when no one is watching.-- George Van Valkenburg. The role of a Captain isn't to be a coach but to be the voice of the gymnast. Every Monarch on our team is a leader in her own way and will only continue to grow in the direction as a great gymnast and leader.
We must become the change we want to see.-- Mahatma Gandhi

For Youth Development, For Healthy Living, For Social Responsibility.

Bekah's Group Captain:


Kristin's Group Captain:


Anna's Group Captain:


Team Captain (s):

Allyn and Kelly

Congrats girls!

~ Coach Kristin