Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Coaches News!


I just wanted to update all of the Monarch Families of the news the coaches told the gymnast today. As of the week of July 11th 2011 coach Laura will not be permanently coaching the Monarchs. She has struggled with the decision to leave for the past few months and unfortunately her career isn't allowing her the commitment that is required for this team. We are going to make the transition as smooth as possible on the girls. Kaitlin is going to coach every Saturday practice this summer starting June 11th while Laura continues weekday practices. Coach Anna Battoclette, Blue Ash's former head coach will be joining our Monarch family. She will be coming in one practice a week starting next week to work with Laura to get to know the girls and our gym better. This again was super hard on all of us but is better for the girls in the long run. We love Laura and we wish her the best of luck starting her life. She will continue to sub in the gym and will be around to support us. We wanted the girls to know first so this was the best way I could think of to get the news to all of the families.

Thanks for your support,
Coach Kristin